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Kitty Card Game - What is it?

It is a fun game for groups (up to 9 people) who don't need to know much more than how to count and the names of the card suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades! You need:

  • a kitty board which you can make yourself - we have one painted on plywood but also one we drew up on the back of one of our towels when sailing around the Whitsundays!
  • some stakes ('money') which could be real coins or substitute for anything really eg a piece of coral is worth 10, a shell is worth 5
  • a normal 52 card pack of playing cards (remove the jokers)
  • the overall winner is the person who ends up with the largest stake at the end of a designated time period or designated number of rounds of play.

Kitty Card Game - How do I get set up for each round of play?

  • Shuffle the cards well then deal out all except about 3 - 7 cards. This depends on how many you have playing and it doesn't matter too much how many are left. These are the STOPS and should be put aside without anyone looking at them until you return them again for the next hand (round of play).
  • Distribute the stakes making sure everyone has the same amount to start. Especially make sure everyone has enough small 'denominations' because they are used to 'feed' the kitty 'pots' (put your stakes in) for each round.
  • Decide who is responsible for feeding each of the 'pots'. Let's say you are playing with 5 cent coins as part of your stakes.  Each person might be assigned 3 'pots' to put a coin in for each round of play eg Tim might put a coin in each of the Poker, Ace of hearts and Kitty (centre pot), Cathy might put a coin in each of the 10, the Jack and the Kitty (doesn't matter if some people double up in the same 'pots'), Peter might put his 3 coins in the '789', Poker and the Queen... and so on. As long as everyone puts 3 coins somewhere and they remember which 3 they have to 'feed' each round it will all work out. If you are doubling up on some of the 'pots' always choose to have extras in the Poker as that is won every round so never gets a chance to build up to a large pot!
  • To decide who goes first, it is the best 'Poker' Hand made up from 5 of your cards. If you don't have anyone who knows how to play poker, then choose the person who has the most of one kind and if 2 people have the same number then whoever of has the highest type of card eg 3 Kings beats 3 Eights but if someone has 4 twos then they win the Poker ie they get to start. Ace is treated HIGH for Poker but LOW when the game begins as it is treated as the ONE. The 'Poker' calling is just to decide who starts and after a person is declared to have won Poker it has no further part in the game. That person just gets to start the game.
  • Deciding who wins Poker is done on the honesty system and whoever is declared to have the best poker hand takes the winnings from the Poker 'pot' on the kitty board and proceeds to start the play. There is no need for them to show their hand.
  • Each person is best to sort the cards in their hand from highest to lowest order K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A, and keep each suit together RED, BLACK, RED, BLACK. As you read the rules of play it will become clear why this is best.

Kitty Card Game - What are the rules of play?

  • The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards.
  • The person who starts will usually choose to play the suit they have most of as that gives them the best chance of getting rid of more cards. If they have many Spades then they chose the lowest spade in their hand which could be the 5 of spades.
  • You must always lead a card that is the lowest of its suit that you have in your hand eg your lowest Heart or your lowest Club etc. It does NOT have to be the lowest card overall in your hand, just the lowest of the suit you choose to lead (play).
  • You do this by placing a card face up on the table when you get a chance to play and it is best that you state out loud the number and suit of the card as you place it down in front of you so others hear what you are doing and don't have to keep looking up from their hand to check!
  • For example: If the person leading places the 5 of Spades on the table in front of them face up, and if you happen to have the 6 of Spades in your hand then you can place the 6 on the table in front of you face up (declaring it). If Peter has both the 7 and the 8 of Spades in his hand then he would then call out '7 and 8 of spades' and place them on the table face up in front of him.  This continues through the spades in order from lowest to highest until all spades are played.
  • BUT of course, this does not happen that easily! Don't forget you have a number of 'STOPS' that you didn't deal out and they are placed aside for each round and prevent you from making your way through each suit from Ace up to King. In the example above, if you have just run through spades starting at 5 then the 4 of spades will now become a 'STOP' too if someone later in the game should start at Ace of Spades and it continues through 2, 3, 4.
  • If you have reached a STOP ie the King was played or nobody has the card that you are up to in the sequence of that suit, then the last person who played a card gets to choose what suit to start on next. If it was spades played last ie BLACK then the person must start now on a sequence of RED so either Hearts or Diamonds, whichever they like. You must alternate the suit  each time someone gets to lead:  RED <> BLACK <> RED etc
  • If the person who is supposed to lead does not have the correct colour to start then play moves to the next person clockwise to lead in the correct colour. If nobody can play the correct colour then the entire round is finished and nobody is declared the winner.
  • The number of cards left in your hand when the round is over, is how many coins you must place into the central 'kitty pot'. The winner takes the 'kitty' once everyone has paid up. If there is no winner then that 'money' stays in kitty and builds up further for next round.

Kitty Card Game - How do you collect your 'winnings'?

  • As you place cards on the table in front of you, if it happens to be one of the special 'pots' on the kitty board, then you get to collect that 'pot' eg as you play Ace of Hearts then you take the money that has built up in the Ace of Hearts 'pot'. Unless you get a chance to table the Ace then you cannot collect its 'pot'. As you can imagine, the' 7,8,9 all of one suit' is rarely able to be played together so that 'pot' builds up to quite a large amount before someone is lucky enough to win it.
  • Whether the 'pot' was won or not, for each round each person is responsible for putting their 3 coins into their assigned 'pots'. In this way they build up until someone is able to play them and take their winning 'pot'.
  • Once the round has ended, either somebody has declared they are 'out' by getting rid of all their cards or because nobody is able to lead the correct colour, then it is time to pay the 'kitty' for that round.


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This page was last updated on 19-May-2017

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