Holiday Photo Album France Belgium and Luxembourg 

Itinerary - Leaving UK we first arrived in France and basically followed the coast into Spain and Portugal. We returned to France on its southern extremity and explored France's Mediterranean regions before heading north through the middle of France, visiting Paris and returning to England before our time expired due to the Schengen Agreement. We briefly visited France and Belgium on the way back from our Scandinavian leg of the journey. Our 4th pass through France came after our roadtrip through Italy taking a more easterly route as we drove north back to Dunkirk and across to UK. The many small red dots between Beziers and Carcasonne near the southern coast was our time on the canal boat we hired to explore the Canal du Midi - a wonderful trip we can highly recommend! The wonderful countries of Belgium and Luxembourg were part of our trip through northern Europe, Scandanavia and Russia.
See the UK EU map to access all of the photos and stories from our Big Trip. Use navigation at the bottom of this page to return to the HOME PAGE.

MAP HEREFrance Belgium Route Map

Google Maps were invaluable and any inconsistencies above are due entirely to the author's editing in an attempt to show our route. The red dots indicate approximate overnight stays. SEE ENTIRE ROUTE MAP.

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